Jervis Bay Community Cruise Ship Coalition (JBCCC)
Shoalhaven Local Government candidates responses to our questions (2024).
Do you support Jervis Bay as a cruise port?
Do you support restoration, retention and expansion of sanctuary zones?
How important is Jervis Bay environmental health?
How will you address the negative impacts on Jervis Bay?
Gilmore candidates responses to our questions.
Cruise Ships in Jervis Bay
Jervis Bay Community Cruiseship Coalition submission
Keep Jervis Bay Unspoilt submission
Our Future Shoalhaven submisssion
Australian Marine Sciences Association
A paper Parliamentary petition requesting better protection of Jervis Bay, and a commitment that Jervis Bay will not be used as a cruise ship port collected over 7,500 signatures and has now been delivered to Hon. Shelley Hancock, Member for the South Coast.
What you can do
Ring Shelley Hancock, member for the South Coast or Dugald Saunders, Minister for Primary Industries
Ring Shelley or Dugald’s office and tell them that you’re concerned about the draft marine park management plan – permission to use Jervis Bay as a cruise ship port, and request that effort to protect and conserve the bay be increased.Our submissions give detail on this, or just leave it as simple as that. You will most likely only be able to leave a message for Shelley and Dugald.
Shelley Hancock, member for the South Coast: 02 4421 0222
Minister for Primary Industries, Dugald Saunders: 02 8574 5260 -
Write to Shelley Hancock, member for the South Coast or Dugald Saunders, Minister for Primary Industries
Write to Shelley and/or Dugald and give them the same message. Encourage your members or friends to do the same. Roster someone to ring or write each week.
Some simple reasons why we say NO to cruise ships:
Because the community fought to make Jervis Bay a marine park, and as such its primary purpose is to protect / enhance its ecological values.
We have not been shown any research on the environmental impacts that cruise ships will have - have they done any?
We haven't been shown any economic modelling for the costs and benefits
We don't trust the process because:
- several planning documents have been released prior saying that cruise ships will be put into Jervis Bay – this is before any consultation
- cruise ships are already booking to come into Jervis Bay! Before permission is granted! -
... your own reason ...
The issue
For many years cruise ships have wanted to come into Jervis Bay. But because of the potential harm to the environment and impracticality of dis-embarking in a shallow bay, it has so far been prevented.
The NSW Port Authority is looking at Jervis Bay (again) as a cruise destination.
The marine park management review has considered allowing cruise ships to anchor in Jervis Bay.
The Port Authority has had meetings with the local council, Navy and probably other stakeholders.
The Port Authority has not initiated any community discussions or consultations.
Cruise ships are still selling tickets on cruises that will include Jervis Bay, and Jervis Bay is listed as one of Australia's cruise ship ports on the Clean Cruising website.
The Port Authority has said that Jervis Bay is not being considered but that at the end of the cruise ship ban, it will be considered. The latest news is that it is no longer being considered, but it is still in the marine park management plan.
Steps so far
A coalition of concerned groups questions the proposal to allow cruise ships into Jervis Bay which is one of six marine parks in NSW and wants to know more.
We are researching the potential impacts of cruise ships on Jervis Bay
We are setting up communication forums to share the information we collect
we are writing to ministers and departments asking about what is proposed, how it will be managed and monitored, and what research has been undertaken.
Reminders have been sent to those Ministers who haven't responded.
The next steps
In mid 2022 the final marine park management plan should be released, with a summary of how the submissions comments were applied.
Stage 2 will be the drafting of rules and regulations for the marine parks, and there will be another period of community consultation.
Don't forget ...
Write to or call Shelley Hancock
02 4421 0222 -
Join our Facebook group @jervisbaycommunitycruiseshipcoalition
Contact us: