We are local people participating in citizen science projects, compiling scientific evidence about issues related to the environment in the Bay and Basin area.
Current projects
Water quality: We are regularly monitoring our local waterways and collecting data. We are focusing on key locations including Moona Creek, Currambene Creek and St Georges Basin. Our data is uploaded and stored to a centralised database on the Atlas of Living Australia. All data is verified by a Waterwatch Coordinator or officer.
Microplastics: Bay and Basin citizen scientists are monitoring and reporting on beaches in Jervis Bay.The Australian Microplastic Assessment Project calls on volunteer citizen scientists to monitor and record microplastic pollution on Australian shorelines. AUSMAP uses this data to create maps of microplastic pollution hotspots around Australia.
Join us
Find out more about us at: https://www.bbcitizenscience.au/
Contact us
Email: bbcitizenscience@gmail.com
