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The issue

Moona Moona Creek Development

What the issue is

An approved DA for 32 apartments, and probably submission of another DA for a hotel and two block os apartments on a site that is environmentally, and culturally important and also vulnerable to increasing flooding.

Moona Moona Creek is one of several creeks that flow into Jervis Bay. It is a designated significant wetland by xxxx. s

The extensive estuarine wetlands of Moona Moona Creek contain three threatened plant species: Wilsonia backhousei, W. rotundifolia and the grass Distichlis distichophylla. Two endangered ecological communities (EECs) listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act are represented in the wetlands: Coastal Saltmarsh and Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest. The middle reaches of Moona Moona Creek adjacent to Naval College Road, there occurs the only known population of the threatened plant Melaleuca biconvexa in the area.

The area is also a significant Aboriginal site: middens have been found there, and given its colonial history is now known as a sorry site.

Over the last 80? years it has been a cornerstone water play area for families with small children; shaded lawn and shallow water safe from swells and strong currents.

The campaign so far

In 2010 the development and building of a x apartments was built - Aquamist currently sits on the site. It is known that during its construction significant middens were found and removed, now marked by a small plaque in the garden at the back.  Due to the presence of these middens the planned swimming pool was not constructed.


In 2011another development for 32 apartments was approved for a block on the Moona Moona Creek side (4 Murdoch St). This block was sold in 2020 and we have been in discussion with new developer, and lobbying council regarding the environmental and character implications of letting this development go ahead.


In 2019 a new development application for a hotel and 2 apartment blocks was submitted for the north side of Aquamist (3 Moona St).  We tried to enter discussions with the owner, and lobbied Council not to approve this development application on the same grounds that we objected to 4 Murdoch St.


The next steps

The next steps

What you can do

The next steps



Updated 29 October 2024

©2024 by Our Future Shoalhaven

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